

【Lesson 47】
◆English expressions to change or cancel an appointment you have already made


◆Key Expressions Part 1
I have to cancel.
I can’t make it.
Something has come up.


◆Let’s try the following exercises.

Q: You made an appointment at a dentist at two o’clock, but you can’t go because you need to attend an urgent meeting with a client. You call the dentist’s office, and the secretary answers. What would you say?
A: Hi. I have an appointment at two, but I have to cancel.


Q: You have agreed to participate in the company baseball game on Saturday, but your brother, who you haven’t seen for years, suddenly decides to come and visit you on the same day. What would you say to your colleague?
A: I can’t make it on Saturday. My brother is coming to visit me.

Q: You agree to have lunch with a colleague to discuss the recent developments at your workplace. However, your boss asks you to go over a report you have written during lunch hour. What would you say to your colleague?
A: Sorry, something has come up. I can’t go to lunch with you.



◆Key Expressions Part 2
Can we postpone it?
Can we reschedule?
Can we meet some other time?


◆Let’s try the following exercises.

Q: Your friend calls you and says he is waiting for you to come and help him fix his car as promised. You had forgotten the promise, and made other plans. What would you say?
A: Oh no, I totally forgot about it. I’m sorry, but can we postpone it?


Q: You and your girlfriend made a dinner reservation at a restaurant. However, as you are about to leave work to go and meet her, a client calls with a complaint about a product. It looks like you will have to stay at your office for a few more hours. What would you say to your girlfriend?
A: I’m afraid something came up at work. Can we reschedule?


Q: You are on a business trip in Italy. Your old college friend lives there and the two of you had arranged to meet up for coffee. However, the business meeting took longer than expected and you won’t be able to meet him after all. You decide to give him a phone call. What would you say?
A: Unfortunately, I won’t have time for coffee. Can we meet some other time?




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