

Lisa: The food here is really nice.


Jason: Yes, it's great, isn't it? Have you ever been here before?
ジェイソン:ね、そうでしょ? ここに来たことある?


Lisa: No. But I have walked past this place before, and I always thought it looked like it had a nice atmosphere. Do you come here often?


Jason: No, not really. Just once or twice. So tell me more about your work.
ジ:いや。 1回か2回来ただけだよ。ところで、もっとお仕事のこと、教えて。


Lisa: It's not that interesting, really. As you know, I work in the editorial department of a magazine.


Jason: Did you get into this work because you were interested in fashion, or because you wanted to work for a magazine?
ジ:そこに勤め出したのって、ファッションに興味があるから? それとも雑誌の仕事がしたかったから?


Lisa: A little bit of both, I suppose. Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a journalist, but writing about cultural things rather than news. I thought fashion would be interesting to write about because the fashion world moves so quickly.


Jason: And have you had the chance to do much writing so far?


Lisa: Actually, not really. I am an assistant to the editor, that keeps me busy.


Jason: And how do you like that?


Lisa: It's alright. Katie is always telling me that I have to be more motivated, and fight for what I want.


Jason: I would say that's probably good advice. You really have to work hard to get the things you want.


Lisa: Now you sound exactly like Katie!


Jason: Oh, no!


Lisa: So what about you? How did you get into photography?
リ:じゃあ、あなたは? どうして写真の世界に入ったの?


Jason: I'm really more of a graphic designer. When I was a kid, I always liked drawing, and then later, I started drawing with a computer. I went to school to study graphic design, and then was lucky enough to get a job doing graphic design right out of school. I worked for a book publisher for a while, and then moved to my current job about four years ago.


Lisa: And how did the whole photography thing start?


Jason: That just kind of happened. I was working on a catalogue design and we needed some photos and didn't have much time, so I just took them myself. I just gradually started to do more and more photo work for our company, and sometimes even for our clients.


Lisa: That sounds really interesting.


Jason: So tell me more about you. What do you do when you aren't working?


Lisa: Well, like I said the other day at dinner, I recently started to go to yoga with Katie, and I'm really getting into that. Other than that, not too much. I just started working about two years ago, and to be honest, I still feel a bit overwhelmed at times.


Jason: That is why you should do more to enjoy your free time. It helps give you more of a sense of balance.


Lisa: Yeah, I guess you're right. And what about you? What do you do outside of work?
リ:そうね、あなたの言うとおりだわ。じゃあ、あなたは? 休みの日は何をやってるの?


Jason: Brian and I go and play basketball when we both have time. And I recently joined a gym, but so far I haven't had much time to go.


Lisa: You sound pretty active.


Jason: I try to be. But I also love going to movies, art museums, and that kind of thing.


Lisa: What kind of movies do you like?


Jason: I mainly go to see European films.


Lisa: Oh, me too! I really love French films. We should go see a movie together sometime.
リ:あら、私も! 私はフランス映画が好き。いつか一緒に見に行きましょうよ。


Jason: That sounds good. Say, what do you think of ordering some dessert?


Lisa: That sounds like a wonderful idea!


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