

【Lesson 11】


◆Expressions of caution


◆Key expressions for Lesson 11.


You must not 〜. / Don.t 〜.


You.re not allowed to 〜.


〜 is prohibited.


Watch out for 〜.



◆Let.s try the following exercises.



Q: You are working as a teacher at a school, and you want students to be quiet during class. What would you say?


A: Attention, students! You must not talk during class.


Or you could say,


A: Don.t talk during class, everybody!




Q: You are working at a famous temple. There.s a tourist who.s trying to take pictures, but it.s against the regulation. Now, what would you say?


A: I.m sorry, but you.re not allowed to take pictures here.


Q: You are working as a flight attendant, and you have to give an announcement about not using electrical devices during takeoff and landing. What will the announcement be like?


A: Using electrical devices are prohibited during takeoff and landing. Thank you for your cooperation.




Q: There.s a child trying to cross the street, but a car is coming. What would you say?


A: Watch out for traffic!


Or you could say,


A: Watch out!




Q: You.re having a team meeting at your office, but the members started an argument. What would you say to stop them?


A: Cut it out! Let.s take a break.



◆Let.s try the following exercises.



Q: What would you answer if someone says “Hey, look. The sign says .No trespassing,. right?”


A: Oh, I.m really sorry. I didn.t see the sign.



Q: What would you say if someone says “Watch out! Cars are coming!”


A: Thanks for letting me know. I didn.t notice.


Or you could say,


A: Well, that was close! Thanks for telling me.




Q: What would you answer if someone says to you “I.m sorry, but you.re not allowed to enter this area.” You have permission to do so, though.


A: Oh, I have permission. Here, I.ll show you my certificate.



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