

【Lesson 42】
◆English expressions to accept or turn down an invitation


◆Key Expressions Part 1
Count me in.
Thanks, I’d love to.
Sure, that would be great.


◆Let’s try the following exercises.

Q: Your friend is organizing a surprise birthday party for a mutual friend. Naturally, she wants you to come. What do you say?
A: Count me in! I’ll bring some snacks.


Q: Your boss invites you for lunch at a fancy restaurant to celebrate your promotion to the executive management team. What would you say?
A: Thanks, I’d love to. I hear they serve great food.


Q: Your grandparents are renting a cottage by a lake for the weekend. They ask you if you and your family would like to join them. What would you say?
A: Sure, that would be great. Thanks for inviting us.



◆Key Expressions Part 2
I’m afraid I can’t.
I wish I could, but ~
I’d like to, but I already have plans.


◆Let’s try the following exercises.

Q: It’s a beautiful day. Your friend calls and asks if you would like to have a picnic in the park. However, you have already promised your sister that you will look after her baby. What would you say?
A: I’m afraid I can’t. I promised to baby-sit today.


Q: It’s 7 o’clock in the evening. Your colleagues are wrapping up work and heading to a pub. They ask you if you’d like to come too, but you’re waiting for a client to get back to you with an important business decision. What would you say?
A: I wish I could, but I’m waiting for a phone call.


Q: You received a wedding invitation from a friend of yours. Later, another friend calls and invites you to a barbecue at his place, but it’s on the same day as the wedding. What would you say?
A: I’d like to, but I already have plans. Maybe next time.




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